Hi, I’m back! And I’m ready to retreat – not in the military sense, but I’m actually attending a retreat tomorrow. I’m so thrilled about it! It’s part of my coaching course. The last retreat I went to with these women was life-changing, and now I’m that much further along in my learning, so I’m very excited to see what I come away with after the next two days. Plus, even though the retreat is only 40 minutes away, I decided to stay over at the hotel (there are several women coming in from out of state) and treat myself a true mini-getaway.
Book writing has been going slowly – I had such a busy week last week that I didn’t get to it at all. I worked for my “bridge job” (part-time work not related to my callings) three days out of five. On Thursday we went back to the homeschool co-op we used to be part of, to help our friend with the final quest for Camp Half-Blood, a class based on Greek mythology and the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief books. It was fun – the picture shows some of the “gold” coins the kids made. It was really good to see everyone. But that left one day for writing, and I wasn’t feeling well that day – there’s a lot of pollen around, and my allergies were acting up.
I’m back on track with working on the draft now (with a short break for the retreat), and I’m currently at 32,755 words. That means I’ve written 2,589 new words so far this week. Not bad.
Blogging is going well. I just sent in my Kind Over Matter post for June, and both my biz blog and personal blog are up to date. We did our workshop, and while we only had two participants (again – still working on getting the word out better), they both really loved it. So now we have another workshop ready to offer again in the future, as we expand our community. I’m up to date with my coaching course and ready to go rock the retreat!
I’m not even gonna mention the quitting sugar thing, except to say that it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s still on my list of goals, though.
Have a lovely week and do lots of fun creative work!