Monthly Archives: January 2015

Upgrading My Internal Software

No, I’m not talking about computers, here. It’s my brain that’s getting an update. I feel like this whole week has been one of upgrading my mindset. My personal spirituality is intricately entwined with my creativity, and although I haven’t done much actual writing this week, I’m feeling incredibly productive.

It’s all thanks to a sweet friend of mine, who I met online several years ago. She lives all the way on the other side of the country. We’ve only met once in person, but we’re truly soul sisters. She’s offering a new spirituality program for women as part of an expansion of her business. She asked me to be part of this new online course, as she knows how much I love this type of thing, and to participate in ways that help uplift the other women. I was happy to help, and I didn’t have any idea how much I’d benefit from doing the course! What a bonus!

So, I’m delving into old beliefs and expanding my awareness. I’ve been meditating more regularly (which was on my goals list) and I’ve gotten back to doing yoga after a hiatus. I’ve been journaling like crazy, and discovering new insights. I’m unfolding new ways to integrate various parts of my life. And I’m doing this work with my friend and a group of wonderful women who support one another on the journey.

I love it so much!

So, the things on my goals list that I have been doing this week are meditation and yoga, as mentioned above, as well as some reading. I’m 62 percent of the way through reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. I’ve been drumming more, too. My goal to set intentions before sleep and upon waking have woven in nicely with the online course, so that’s going well. I only blogged once this week on Starcat’s Corner, and I missed the Wednesday check-in here, but that’s okay.

My intentions for this week are to keep up my spiritual work (especially yoga, intention setting, and meditation) and to get back to the page. I want to work on blogging, including my next column for Kind Over Matter, and on my novel. And I want to finish reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur and start reading another craft book. That’s enough for now.

I hope you have a fantastic week!

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Birthdays, Ice Skates, and Some Writing

The birthday cats were pleased with receiving catnip treats and boxes to play in.

The birthday cats were pleased with receiving catnip treats and boxes to play in.

This week my lovely daughter turned Sweet 16! Her birthday was Wednesday, and we had a party at our house. It was a friend’s birthday on Thursday, too, and I helped her celebrate with drinks at a fancy restaurant. And we celebrated the 6th birthday of our sweet cat boys (they’re brothers). A busy week, which is why I missed the Wednesday check-in, and took a couple of days off from writing and such. Still, it was a pretty productive week overall.

I wrote 3,713 new words on my novel-in-progress this week, and I’m now at 70,257 words total on the way to 100K (ish). I only blogged once on Starcat’s Corner, but today I brainstormed a list of posts. I was having trouble figuring out what to write about, so this list of personal prompts will be helpful. I’m now 30 percent of the way through reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. BlackLion and I meditated 3 times this week, which is my goal (and feels great).

For Feline Dreamers, I wrote a new blog post and did some research on starting an Etsy shop. The gist of that is that you need to have handmade items ready to sell before you set up the shop; we have plans for creating greeting cards and rune stones. I bought some paint for the rune stones this week.

I managed to get a bit of outdoor time, even though it was super cold. My daughter and I purchased ice skates and made our first visit to the new outdoor rink in the next town over. It’s so much fun! We’ll be doing it more. I also bought a new-to-me pair of ski poles, so I’m all set for some cross-country skiing. Bring on the snow!

This week’s priorities include more novel writing, finally creating my 2015 vision board, going ice skating again, and working on my Leonie Dawson workbook.


Filed under ROW 80

Words Are Flowing Again

I’m delighted to report that I’ve started working on my novel, Patterns In the Void, once again. Yay! The last time I’d written anything for it was on December 13, before the holidays completely took over my life. I’d left off at 61,008 words, and currently I’m at 66,544. So in the past two days I’ve written 5,536 words. I was able to jump right back into the flow of the story, and I’m happy with how it’s going.

In addition to that good news, I’m also on target with blogging. I’ve been working on my goals and plans for 2015, and it’s going well. I’m still reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. Other activities I’ve been doing that are part of my goals for the round include drum practice, journal writing, and zentangling.

It’s been really nice to have the time available this week to devote to my priorities. I hope to continue the trend.

My intentions for this week: more novel writing, doing some research for Feline Dreamers, getting my planner all set up, making a 2015 vision board, and adding some meditation to my daily routine. Have a great week!

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I Can Still Read…

Right at the beginning of the new round, I got sick with a chest cold. Bleah. I haven’t felt much like writing, but at least while I’m lying on the couch under a pile of blankets, I can still read, and work on my art journal a bit. So it’s not been a total loss.

I’m 24 percent through reading one of the craft books on my list, and I have one new art journal page done, with two others in progress.

I’m feeling a bit better today, and managed to put away a lot of our holiday decorations, getting our living space back to normal coziness. I also did some tidying and laundry, all of which I’m counting towards my de-cluttering goal.

The good news is that I have some blank space on my calendar over the next few days. I plan to stay home, heal up, and focus on writing and some more plotting & planning. Yay!


Filed under ROW 80

A Graceful Start to Round 1

Hello lovely writer colleagues! I hope you had a peaceful and joyful holiday season and you’re all rested up for 2015. I’ve settled on my goals for this Round and wanted to share them.

I also chose my Word of the Year, which is GRACE.


I’m looking forward to reading what others are going to get up to as we begin a brand-new year. Blessings!

2015 Row 80 Round 1 Goals

Complete current WIP. Finish the first draft of Patterns in the Void. Target is 100K words or so. Starting the round, I’m at 61K.

De-clutter and organize my life, creating beautiful work spaces. Clean and organize my upstairs desk and filing cabinets. Continue to de-clutter and beautify our shared living spaces. Set up my new planner with intentions and goals for the year.

Ramp up Feline Dreamers. Work on our cookbook. Research and create an Etsy shop. Submit two articles to magazines.

Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least twice per week, Feline Dreamers every other week, and on this blog twice per week. Write, edit, and submit guest blog posts for SoulFire Om, Kind Over Matter, Facing North, and Moon Books. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas.

Continue my craft learning. Read at least 3 books about writing and ethical marketing & promotion. In the queue: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch, Fiction Unboxed by Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant, and Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran. Keep notes on ideas to use, and begin implementing them.

Make inspiring art. Practice zentangling. Create my 2015 Word of the Year vision board. Create new scrapbook pages and art journal pages. Take nature photographs to use on my websites and blog posts.

Upgrade my music. Practice drumming with my doumbek at least 20 minutes each day. Rehearse with BlackLion.

Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Do the Abraham meditations 3 times per week. Learn about sacred geometry and deep energy work.

GRACEfully invite ease, purpose, and kindness into my daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. Eat well and exercise. Get outdoors for walks on a regular basis. Go ice-skating and cross-country skiing.



Filed under ROW 80