No, I’m not talking about computers, here. It’s my brain that’s getting an update. I feel like this whole week has been one of upgrading my mindset. My personal spirituality is intricately entwined with my creativity, and although I haven’t done much actual writing this week, I’m feeling incredibly productive.
It’s all thanks to a sweet friend of mine, who I met online several years ago. She lives all the way on the other side of the country. We’ve only met once in person, but we’re truly soul sisters. She’s offering a new spirituality program for women as part of an expansion of her business. She asked me to be part of this new online course, as she knows how much I love this type of thing, and to participate in ways that help uplift the other women. I was happy to help, and I didn’t have any idea how much I’d benefit from doing the course! What a bonus!
So, I’m delving into old beliefs and expanding my awareness. I’ve been meditating more regularly (which was on my goals list) and I’ve gotten back to doing yoga after a hiatus. I’ve been journaling like crazy, and discovering new insights. I’m unfolding new ways to integrate various parts of my life. And I’m doing this work with my friend and a group of wonderful women who support one another on the journey.
I love it so much!
So, the things on my goals list that I have been doing this week are meditation and yoga, as mentioned above, as well as some reading. I’m 62 percent of the way through reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. I’ve been drumming more, too. My goal to set intentions before sleep and upon waking have woven in nicely with the online course, so that’s going well. I only blogged once this week on Starcat’s Corner, and I missed the Wednesday check-in here, but that’s okay.
My intentions for this week are to keep up my spiritual work (especially yoga, intention setting, and meditation) and to get back to the page. I want to work on blogging, including my next column for Kind Over Matter, and on my novel. And I want to finish reading Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur and start reading another craft book. That’s enough for now.
I hope you have a fantastic week!