I finally have some time, and a computer, to sit down and look back over how things went with my goals for Round 3.
This is my third year doing ROW 80 (wow), and probably my most productive summer round thus far. I feel proud of that. While I didn’t accomplish all of my goals, I did make significant progress in terms of writing and related tasks. I was able to get things done even though my summer was as busy as ever. I’m counting that as a win!
I like being able to see how I’m really making progress in my career as a writer and entrepreneur. Sometimes it feels like nothing much is happening, but by looking back over my posts here, I can see that I’m on a really powerful path toward my goals. It’s all about the journey, anyway, right? Even when things don’t go according to plan, often something new and creative and cool will come in and make things more interesting. I’m so thankful! I feel blessed to be living this life of a thriving artist. It rocks.
See below for the line-by-line goals review.
Up next, setting goals for Round 4, which will, amazingly enough, finish out 2015. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun, it’s true!
2015 Row 80 Round 3 Goals
Work on revising and editing The Door Is the Key book 1 (TDITK1).Finish the first pass of revisions using Rock Your Revisions. Complete re-writes and added scenes as necessary. Do the first complete proof-reading edit. We didn’t really do much on this goal at all this round, but I’m fine with it. I’ve decided not to write a new work for NaNoWriMo this year, and will instead be putting energy into getting this book and Patterns closer to ready for publication.
Complete current nonfiction WIP. Update outline for Daily Spiritual Practice (DSP) book to include the new ideas and direction I’ve been contemplating. Revise what I’ve written thus far. Finish first draft of DSP. Target is 5oK words or so. Starting the round, I’m at 8500 words. I’ve made a lot of progress on this draft. I did update the outline and revise what I’d written before the round began. I’m getting close to the end of the first draft. I’m now at 27,232 words, and I think the completed draft will be closer to 35K than the 50K I’d estimated. I’m pretty happy with how it’s coming along.
Finish Creative Inspiration Booster Pack and start building the new e-mail list for Starcat’s Corner website. Add my author name domain to my website(s). Done! Well, except for the part about getting my author name domain. I’ll continue that part over to Round 3. It should be simple (she said hopefully).
Create weekday Fae Musings e-mails for our Feline Dreamers subscribers. Add new folks to the mailing list. Nope, haven’t gone this route just yet. Need to ponder and see if that’s a direction we still want to go.
Re-read draft of Patterns in the Void and make initial revision notes. I started this process, but haven’t gotten very far. As mentioned above, November will be for fiction revisions.
Do my ROW 80 sponsor duties. Write an inspiring article to share. Visit my peeps each week and leave comments. Done! I enjoyed it and will be continuing as a sponsor next Round.
De-clutter and organize my life, creating beautiful spaces. Clean and organize my upstairs desk and filing cabinets. Continue to de-clutter and beautify our shared living spaces. Paint the living room, kitchen, and stairwell. Summer, as always, was busy and on-the-go. So I haven’t done anything in this regard, but now I’m feeling the urge to nest again as fall returns.
Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least twice per week, Feline Dreamers every other week, and on this blog twice per week. Write ROW 80 guest post to inspire fellow authors (and be a good sponsor!). Write, edit, and submit guest blog posts for Kind Over Matter, Facing North, and Moon Books. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas. I’d say I’m about 50 percent with this goal. My personal and biz blogging has really tapered off towards the end of the Round, partly due to my laptop breaking down. I’ve kept up with my guest blogging, except for Moon Books. I do have a list going, and need to add to it. Fall blog planning is certainly on my list.
Continue my craft & business learning. Read at least 3 books about writing and/or ethical marketing & promotion. Check out a couple of writer podcasts. Keep notes on ideas to use, and begin implementing them. Add a Call to Action (CTA) to my Cultivating Self-Love e-book. Wow, this goal went in a whole new direction! I took an online coaching course and it’s just blowing me away. I’ve learned so much that I’m putting into place both with Feline Dreamers and my writing career in general. I’m still reading, too, but taking the course has been several levels beyond what I’d been doing. I’m delighted. I still need to add the CTA to CSL, so I’ll add that to my Round 4 list.
Make inspiring art and music. Practice zentangling. Create new scrapbook pages and art journal pages. Take nature photographs to use on my websites and blog posts. Practice drumming regularly. Mixed results. I did plenty of drumming this summer, took photos, and did some artwork. I imagine I’ll be doing more now that the weather is turning cooler.
Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Meditate and do my chakra clearing daily. I’ve been doing really well with this goal. I feel really connected to my inner spiritual worlds, which feeds into my creativity and thus my writing. Good job, me. 🙂
GRACEfully invite ease, purpose, and kindness into my daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. Eat well and exercise. Get outdoors for walking, hiking, and swimming on a regular basis. This goal feels like something I’ve been doing well at, too. The only exception is exercising and eating well. I’m sort of off-and-on, and I want to get back on track with it this fall. I need more yoga and walking in my life, and less sugar. I think I’ll make physical health a separate goal this time around.