Well, I haven’t posted for about three weeks, and here it is the end of the round. What happened?
I’ve been helping a friend with terminal cancer, who is now in hospice. Rather than trying to re-create what I’ve written about it before, I’ll refer you to this blog post. If you’d prefer the summary, well, suffice it to say that most of my creativity has been going toward being a priestess for my friend.
Even though I haven’t been living much in the world of goals and word counts, I do have some ideas about what I want to do during Round 4 of ROW 80. In the meantime, here are my notes on how this rather chaotic round went for me. In the big picture, I’m growing and learning, and while I regret that my friend is leaving this plane, I have no regrets about how I’ve been spending my time and energy.
Writing and Editing
Write 5,000 words per week on the Daily Spiritual Practice e-book. This is a project that I’d started a couple of years ago and set aside. I already have a working outline. I’m enjoying my regular writing sessions and want to keep the flow going, so I’m picking this WIP up again. Hasn’t happened. I’m going to put this WIP on the shelf for a while, as I have some other significant writing projects I want to focus on in the coming round.
Finish all edits, appendices, and revisions of the Cultivating Self-Love e-book and give it to BlackLion for formatting. DONE!
Create a wonderful cover for Cultivating Self-Love. DONE!
Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least 3 times per week, and on this blog at least 2 times per week. Hasn’t been happening recently, but overall I’ve been keeping up well with my blogging responsibilities, and enjoying them.
Write and edit at least 3 guest blog posts and have them posted. DONE! I’m not sure I ever shared my most recent Kind Over Matter post with you – so here it is.
Practice inviting people to purchase our Feline Dreamers wares and my books. Do it with joy and from a place of feeling positive and confident. As part of this process, learn more about effective, ethical promotion techniques. Still in progress, and I’m continuing with this goal in the next round.
Set up and offer a successful local book signing and reading for Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living. DONE! We had a thunderstorm with pouring rain on the evening of the event, so there were only about a dozen people, but I still consider it a success. If nothing else, it helped me get over my fear of doing these types of events, and I know I’ll be doing more of them in the future.
Learn to use Amazon’s indie author resources to promote and sell my Cultivating Self Love e-book. Still in progress, and being continued to next round.
Raise all the money we need for our Rethinking Everything adventure, and have a fun and successful journey there and back! (Curious? Check out this link to the conference website). DONE!
Wellness and Practice
Continue doing my two main daily practices: morning pages and affirmations in my journal (4 pages each day) and daily dancing (at least 20 minutes each day). DONE! Yeah, not so much during the recent crisis, but I’m doing just fine.
Practice drumming at least 3 times per week, plus the weekly troupe practice. DONE!
Add more yoga to my life. Haven’t done it, but I want to. I will probably continue this goal, and find new ways to get inspired and find the time to yogafy.
Spend more time outdoors. Walk, hike, meditate, and swim. Relax and enjoy the lovely summer weather! Mixed results. I’ll continue this one, too, changing “summer” to “fall.”