Why, hello there! You might not recognize me, it’s been so long. February has been quite a trying month. I was really sick with a long-lasting cold, a member of my extended family passed away, my Mom has been ill and in and out of the hospital, and those are the highlights. So, yeah, it was a rough patch for sure.
Mom is doing better now, and on the path to healing. I’m finally feeling better, too, and have some energy to get back on track. My to-do list, as you might imagine, is quite lengthy. But I’m just so glad to be feeling better that I’m taking it easy and not pressuring myself to get a bunch of stuff done all at once.
When I looked over my accomplishments from February in my Leonie Dawson day planner, it was good to see that I actually did get some stuff done. Besides reading, that is – I did read quite a bit while I was sick, because I didn’t have energy for much else. I finally read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (very good but heartbreaking), and I also read Love Over Scotland by Alexander McCall Smith (lovely writing), Clariel by Garth Nix (excellent!), and The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You by Mike Dooley (very much worth reading), among others less noteworthy.
I made some good progress on the Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program we’ll be launching in April, our Alchemy of Core Beliefs course is going well (we have a terrific group of students), we’ve set up an in-person workshop for March 19th, and we’ve made two of the videos for a new series we’re collaborating on. I also kept up with my daily practice of meditation and journaling, even when I was really sick. So, there has been progress.
We didn’t work on our revisions for our fiction, and I’m not sure what we’ll do for a schedule for that. BlackLion and I are figuring out if now is the time for that or not, since we have a lot on our plates for Feline Dreamers already. If not, I’ll probably switch to working on revisions for my solo novel, in my spare time (ha!).
My mini-goals for this week are:
- continue to work on writing materials for the Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program
- promote our Spring Into Action workshop
- get back on track with blogging
- get caught up on my assignments for the biz coaching course I’m taking
I hope your week is productive and fun!