Starting Over

So, I’ve been away from ROW 80 (and from updating this blog) for a few months. I pretty much skipped Round 3, but I’ve not been completely idle. You can see some of what I’ve been up to this summer in my earlier post.

I’m feeling inspired and am re-dedicating myself to my writer’s life, as well as that of an entrepreneur. Here are my goals for this brand-new Round.

2017 ROW 80 Round 4 Goals

Promote and sell my existing non-fiction. Get the Heart of the Goddess book on Ingram (so bookstores and libraries can order it). Once that’s done, revise my promotion plan. Get more reviews. Look into hiring an agent or virtual assistant to help with ongoing book promotion.

Revise Patterns in the Void and prepare it for publication. Make an updated revision plan, then implement it. After the revisions are complete, do a proof-reading edit.

Write another novel. Decide which “book 2” I’ll be writing during NaNoWri Mo. Create an outline, including a series arc. Participate fully in NaNoWriMo and “win” the word count. Finish the draft.

Continue my craft, finance, & business learning. Participate in In Arms Coaching program. Read (at least) 3 books this quarter about writing craft, finance, and/or business. Participate in Personal Finance Consciousness Circle (PFCC). Finish reading and working through the Barbara Stanny finance book.

Build community for Feline Dreamers and my book midwife biz. Create and promote videos, podcasts and online workshops. Get 3 new speaking/teaching engagements in front of existing audiences. Increase our subscriber lists with aligned people.

Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least once every other week, Feline Dreamers each month, and on this blog once per week. Write, edit, and submit monthly guest blog posts for Kind Over Matter. Submit another guest blog proposal to Mike Dooley’s site. Keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas.

Fall Hometending. Clear off and de-clutter my desk and filing cabinets. Finish painting the stairwell and put up photos. Work on de-cluttering the basement.

Enhance my physical health. Devote time to daily exercise, including but not limited to walking, yoga, dancing, hula-hooping, and swimming. Stop eating sugar. Restart my yoga practice. Eat less in general.

Live my LUMINOUS spiritual daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, walk, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Meditate and do my chakra clearing daily. Gather with my sisters on Full Moons.



Filed under ROW 80

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