So, I jumped back into ROW 80 after an absence of a few months, and then promptly neglected to do updates. It’s not that I haven’t been making progress. I totally have (even though I’ve also put in some relaxing time in the hammock with my feline friend).
Recently, my focus has been more on my growing business(es) than it has on writing projects, though. But that is all about to change. Yes, indeed, I am one of those who are doing NaNoWriMo next month. I skipped it last year because I was getting ready to publish The Heart of the Goddess (non-fiction). But now I’m going to be writing book 2 in my contemporary fantasy series.
Today I’ve been doing some initial brainstorming about the storyline, and how it will fit into the arc of the whole series, which I’ve decided will be five books total. I’m hoping to work on a loose outline over the next week or so – I’m somewhere in between a plotter and a pantser. I like to have a guideline, but still leave room for the story to evolve organically as the characters make their choices.
So, what have I accomplished from my goals list thus far? I have been:
- participating in my In Arms Coaching program
- participating in the PFCC (a group accountability program around personal finances and upgrading our prosperity)
- creating and promoting podcasts and workshops
- keeping up with my guest blogging commitments
- exercising regularly (often outdoors)
- making lots of progress on de-cluttering my desk and filing cabinets (preparing an inviting workspace for NaNoWriMo!)
- continuing to weave my spirituality into my daily life
- and as mentioned above, brainstorming ideas for my new novel.
Sounds like pretty good progress to me. I’ll try to be better about checking in with you lovely writer folk!
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