Monthly Archives: March 2016

Hail and Farewell to Round 1

I’m very happy to say farewell to this first ROW 80 Round of the year. I haven’t made as much progress as I would have liked, due to illness and family crises and changes in focus. However, once in a while one just needs to pause and regroup. I think that’s what this Round was, for me. I learned new things about myself and my process. I feel much better about my writing projects as we head into Round 2.

Also, I did accomplish some things that I’d planned, so it wasn’t like the whole Round was a wash. I’ve detailed my progress below, and I was pleased to note that I actually did achieve some of my goals, and took good steps toward others. I’m excited to begin Round 2 and really ramp up my forward momentum towards my goals for 2016!

2016 Row 80 Round 1 Goals

Work on revising and editing The Door Is the Key book 1 (TDITK1).Finish the first pass of revisions using Rock Your Revisions. Complete re-writes and added scenes as necessary. Do the first complete proof-reading edit. This is a collaborative work with my partner BlackLion. We got through the first pass of revisions, and to the point where I thought things would get really fun (the re-writes). For some reason, though, we stalled there. Other projects seem to be more of a priority for us right now. So we’re putting this one on the shelf for the time being.

Re-read draft of Patterns in the Void and make initial revision notes. I haven’t done anything with this project yet this year, but it will resurface in Round 2.

Continue my craft & business learning. Participate fully in my In Arms Coaching biz program. Read at least 3 books about writing craft and/or making a living as a writer. Check out a couple of writer podcasts. Keep notes on ideas to use, and begin implementing them. I’ve been doing a lot of work in my biz program, and it’s having a positive impact on my work in many ways. I have tons of notes and I’m using many of the ideas that have been generated. I only read one craft book thus far, though I’m 20 percent of the way through a second one. I haven’t made time to check out any podcasts yet.

Finish planning for 2016. Finalize our Feline Dreamers road map for 2016. Make a 2016 vision board. Finish filling out my Leonie Dawson Biz and Life planners. Add timelines for goals to online and paper planners. Success! I feel like our plans for 2016 are ambitious, exciting, and flexible. Woo hoo!

Complete various behind-the-scenes marketing tasks: Add my author name domain to my website(s). Add a Call to Action (CTA) to my Cultivating Self-Love e-book. Decide if we still want to create weekday Fae Musings e-mails for our Feline Dreamers subscribers, and if yes, do so. Add new folks to both of our mailing lists. We’ve added some folks to the Feline Dreamers newsletter list, and we’ve also updated the CTA in both the e-book and hard copy. I’ll forward the other items to Round 2.

De-clutter and organize my life, creating beautiful spaces. Clean and organize my upstairs desk and filing cabinets. Finish our “punch list” for the rest of the downstairs project. De-clutter and organize the eaves. Create the photo gallery for the stairwell wall. I’ve made some progress with the eaves, and got rid of more stuff. I haven’t done much else due to illness. This goal will be continued into Round 2.

Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least once per week, Feline Dreamers each month, and on this blog twice per week. Write, edit, and submit monthly guest blog posts for Kind Over Matter. Submit a guest blog proposal to Mike Dooley’s site. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas. I’ve done pretty well with blogging, considering, though I haven’t gotten to the Mike Dooley one yet. This is an ongoing goal.

Make inspiring art and music. Practice zentangling. Create new scrapbook pages and art journal pages. Take nature photographs to use on my websites and blog posts. Practice drumming regularly. I haven’t yet taken much time to play with art and music this year. I’ve done some coloring, drumming once in a while, and a bit of photography, but that’s about all. I’ll continue the goal into next Round.

Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Meditate and do my chakra clearing daily. This goal is going extremely well! I’m very happy about it, and thankful that my daily practice has been there to support me during some tough times this Round.

Enhance my physical health. Devote time to daily exercise, including but not limited to walking, yoga, dancing, and swimming. Sign up for a membership at the pool for the winter. Stop eating sugar. Eat less in general. I didn’t end up doing the pool thing due to finances and ongoing illness. Other than that, though, I’m doing really well. I’ve lost 13 pounds, I’m eating better and less without any strain, and I’ve been walking and dancing (especially now that I’m feeling physically well again). Yay!

Live AUTHENTICally in my daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. So far, so good! 


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A Decision Made and Work Progressing

I’m happy to announce that I’ve decided on my next big writing project! I’m going to be writing the draft of the Heart of the Goddess book. If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll probably notice that we’re also working on a Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program. Well, the project was originally conceived of as a book, and I’ve decided that we should have both. I’ll try to be clear in my terminology in future updates, as to whether I’m talking about the book or the program. In addition, I’m going to start revising my novel draft, Patterns in the Void. I’ll be devoting time to both, each week beginning with Round 3. I might start before then, unofficially, but it depends on how other projects are coming along. We’ll see how it goes!

This week we did some more work on the Heart of the Goddess program outline. That’s coming along well. We held our Spring Into Action workshop. I was disappointed that we only had 2 students (out of a potential of 12), but they both really loved the workshop, which feels good. They also each purchased copies of my books afterwards, which was a lovely bonus. We decided that we need a bit more time when we offer it again, and of course we need to find better ways to get the word out.

I’m keeping up with my blogging and exercising, which feels good. I’m now 14 percent of the way through reading Iterate and Optimize. It’s a great book, and the first few chapters have exercises to do, which is why I’ve been moving through it slowly. I found the exercises to be very useful. It’s quite a thought-provoking book, already.

Here’s what I’m working on this week:

  • continue to work on writing materials for the Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program
  • begin working on the Heart of the Goddess book draft and outline, as inspired
  • outline and film the third video for the collaboration we’re doing
  • get caught up on my assignments for the biz coaching course I’m taking – listen to at least 3 recordings and take notes
  • write content for newsletters

I hope you have a fantastic week. Happy Spring!


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Mid-Week Celebrations

happydogI’ve been reading everywhere about the power of celebrating the small steps you make toward your goals. So I’m extra glad that Wednesdays are for celebrations, here at Starcat’s Writing Desk! Here are mine:

  • I’ve taken 3 walks so far this week. The fresh air feels great!
  • I’m a bit closer to deciding what my next big writing project will be. More on that by Sunday’s check-in.
  • BlackLion and I updated our outline for the Heart of the Goddess program. It’s coming along nicely.
  • I’ve been promoting our Spring Into Action workshop, with help from some of the women in my biz coaching course. No official signups yet, but we still have a couple of days to go…
  • I’m caught up on blogging at the moment. Yay!
  • A new friend came over and we started working on a collaborative art project. My teen daughter joined us. It’s a lot of fun so far!
  • My daily practice of meditation and journal writing is going very well. I love it.

Have a fun week and a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, if you celebrate it! Blessings!

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That’s More Like It

faeryhouseI feel like I’m finally back on track after all the ickiness of the past couple of months. I’m so thankful to have had a really good week. Today was especially lovely, as we’ve been having really nice weather, and I got to meander through the woods like I did when I was a kid. I found some faery houses and little treasures. It was really restorative.

It looks like BlackLion and I aren’t in a place right now to work on our book revisions for The Door Is the Key. Not that we never will, just not currently. This leaves me wanting to pick another book project to work on. I’m enjoying creating courses and such, but I miss having a focused writing project. It’s something to think about this week, as we edge closer to the next Round. Should I start writing another nonfiction book, or revise my own novel, Patterns in the Void? I’ll be pondering on it.

Meanwhile, I’ve stayed on track with blogging this week. I’ve started reading the new Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant book, Iterate and Optimize, and it’s really inspiring (and funny, of course). I have the rough draft of the outline for the Heart of the Goddess program done. We put up a bunch of flyers this weekend for our upcoming workshop, and have been talking about it with various folks. I haven’t yet made the calls about getting my books into more shops, and I still have some biz course assignments to get caught up on, but I’ll forward those things to this week.

Speaking of which, here are my mini-goals for the upcoming week:

  • continue to work on writing materials for the Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program
  • promote our Spring Into Action workshop
  • get caught up on my assignments for the biz coaching course I’m taking – listen to at least 3 recordings and take notes
  • work on getting my books into more local shops
  • choose my main writing and/or revision project to focus on in Round 2

I highly recommend getting out for a walk or just sitting in the sun this week if you can. Nature is so inspiring. Enjoy!

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Can It Be Spring?

ohballsIt is a lovely springlike day here in northern New England – though of course we know that it is likely just temporary, and that we’ll have more cold days and perhaps even some snow. But for today, we’ll take it! With much gratitude.

My week has been going well thus far.

Here are my Wednesday celebrations:

  • BlackLion and I took a lovely 5-mile walk today and had an impromptu Feline Dreamers biz meeting. We cleared up some areas that were needing our attention and made some awesome plans for our upcoming offerings.
  • I worked on the Heart of the Goddess program, mostly doing some research and taking notes. It’s going really well.
  • I drafted an outline for our upcoming Spring Into Action! workshop, and sent it to BlackLion and the woman we are co-hosting with. We have a meeting with her tomorrow and I’m excited to finalize plans for the workshop. I also did some promotion for it, and will be doing more.
  • I’m about to write on my Starcat’s Corner blog after I finish this post. So blogging is going along as planned.
  • I bought the new Sean Platt and Johnny B. Truant book, Iterate and Optimize, and look forward to starting it tonight. I love those guys.

How’s your week going? I wish you lots of inspired writing sessions!


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Still Re-emerging

I’m writing my ROW 80 update on Monday morning this time. I thought about skipping it entirely, but would rather stay on track with the plan. My Sunday got thrown for a bit of a loop, as my Mom had to go back to the Emergency Room once again. Happily, she got to go home and not have to be admitted, and was feeling better already by the time we got back to her place (though tired, of course).

I feel like I’m still re-emerging from my winter hibernation. I want to keep up with my goals and plans, but when I feel like I need to rest, or focus on something else, I’m allowing myself the space to do those things. My creativity and I have a solid long-term relationship, and I feel confident that my energy will return.

This past week, we finished up the Alchemy of Core Beliefs course. Our students seem really pleased with it, and it’s so thrilling to see all the insights they’ve gleaned, and to hear their plans to continue with their inner work. I did some work on both of our upcoming offerings, which are a live workshop called Spring Into Action! and our Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program. I participated in a live call for my biz coaching program. I planned out my blogging schedule for March. I wrote two book reviews that I’ve had on my to-do list for a while.

I’m still doing very well with exercise and healthy eating. It’s starting to get a bit warmer, so I’ve been taking more walks, which feels really good.

I’m behind a bit on blogging, but I hope to catch back up this week.

Here are my mini-goals for the week:

  • continue to work on writing materials for the Heart of the Goddess spiritual mentoring program
  • promote our Spring Into Action workshop
  • get back on track with blogging
  • get caught up on my assignments for the biz coaching course I’m taking – listen to at least 3 recordings and take notes
  • work on getting my books into more local shops

May your week be full of joy and imagination.

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In Fits and Starts

I’ve made some progress this week toward my goals, but it’s all in fits and starts. Where does that phrase come from, anyway? Just realizing how odd that sounds. Well, at least there is some forward motion, anyway.

Here are my celebrations on this windy Wednesday in Maine.

  • Had a terrific final call today with our Alchemy of Core Beliefs students. These women are so amazing! They are transforming themselves in many awesome ways, and I’m so glad that we can be there to support them. This is why I love what I do.
  • Went for two walks and had one dance session so far this week. My body is feeling good and I’m nearly fully healed from this cold (my ears still crackle and pop, but they don’t hurt).
  • I’m keeping up with blogging, for the most part. My newest Kind Over Matter post is out today and I’m pleased with it, plus I LOVE the artwork the site owner chose to go with it.
  • I’ve done some bits of work on the Heart of the Goddess program, mostly in terms of getting the website copy ready and posted. I have lots of ideas for the content and other pieces, I just need to take some focused time to sit down and work on it.
  • I’m feeling back on track with my biz coaching course, though I still have lots of audio to listen to. I struggle with that sometimes – I’d rather read than listen. But when I do it, it’s all very powerful and useful. Again, I just need to make some time to do it.

I hope the rest of your week is full of inspiration and fun. Blessings!

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