In Fits and Starts

I’ve made some progress this week toward my goals, but it’s all in fits and starts. Where does that phrase come from, anyway? Just realizing how odd that sounds. Well, at least there is some forward motion, anyway.

Here are my celebrations on this windy Wednesday in Maine.

  • Had a terrific final call today with our Alchemy of Core Beliefs students. These women are so amazing! They are transforming themselves in many awesome ways, and I’m so glad that we can be there to support them. This is why I love what I do.
  • Went for two walks and had one dance session so far this week. My body is feeling good and I’m nearly fully healed from this cold (my ears still crackle and pop, but they don’t hurt).
  • I’m keeping up with blogging, for the most part. My newest Kind Over Matter post is out today and I’m pleased with it, plus I LOVE the artwork the site owner chose to go with it.
  • I’ve done some bits of work on the Heart of the Goddess program, mostly in terms of getting the website copy ready and posted. I have lots of ideas for the content and other pieces, I just need to take some focused time to sit down and work on it.
  • I’m feeling back on track with my biz coaching course, though I still have lots of audio to listen to. I struggle with that sometimes – I’d rather read than listen. But when I do it, it’s all very powerful and useful. Again, I just need to make some time to do it.

I hope the rest of your week is full of inspiration and fun. Blessings!

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