First the good news to report. Our first week with our Alchemy of Core Beliefs students went very well. I’m still on track with blogging, and set up my blogging schedule for February. It really helps me to have a schedule, even though the deadlines are my own. That way it shows up on my calendar and I don’t forget. BlackLion and I finished refining our Feline Dreamers Road Map for 2016, and we’re both really excited about all the things we have planned. It feels ambitious, but in a good way – a positive challenge for us.
On the other hand, I’m bummed to report that my Mom ended up in the hospital again. She’s feeling pretty well, actually, but her blood test indicated that levels were low that needed to be high, and ones that were supposed to be low, weren’t. I know, that doesn’t make much sense, but we must trust that the doctors know what they’re doing, and that she’s in the place she needs to be.
We did a little bit of work on our novel revisions, but got kind of sidetracked. I also haven’t started on the Heart of the Goddess project. But both of those projects are on our schedule for this coming week, so that feels good.
Here are my mini-goals for the coming week
- Continue to work with BlackLion on revising our novel draft.
- Get started on the new Heart of the Goddess writing project.
- Create a list of local bookstores and shops I can ask to sell my books.
I think that’s enough for this time around. I have a fairly busy week, and I don’t want to get overwhelmed.
May your week be full of joy and inspiration!