Well, I’m posting this ROW 80 update on Monday afternoon, rather than the traditional Sunday. Why?
Saturday was our annual backyard party, and we had a fantastic time! It took a bit of work to get everything ready, from setting up our backyard stage (yes, we have one, don’t you?) to shopping to cleaning. The party itself was an all-day thing, lasting well into the wee hours. We had a blast! I loved drumming as part of the live music, dancing, enjoying the fire, playing with kids, and just visiting with everyone.
Then, on Sunday, it was cleanup time. We had help from the folks who stayed over, but still, it took a while. We spent some time visiting with friends who had camped out at our place, and those who stopped by to say hello. Then Quester and ElvenTiger and I headed out to make an important purchase – we got a new bow for ElvenTiger, who has her first outdoor archery tournament this month. We grabbed dinner while we were out, and by the time we got back home, all I had energy for was a shower and bed.
It was a lovely summer weekend.
What did I accomplish this past week? Well, I wrote, edited, and sent my monthly Kind Over Matter post, and got some very positive feedback from the site’s owner (yay!). I’ve been sharing Open Your Creative Portals all over the place, and added a bunch of new subscribers to my Starcat’s Corner e-mail list. I’ve been keeping up well with my spiritual practices and exercise, which feels really good.
My mini-goals for the week:
- Work on the DSP e-book at least 5 days.
- Finish preparations for my book talk and signing this weekend.
- Keep up with my blogging schedule.
- Set up a GoodReads giveaway for my second book.
- Write a book review of Tantra for the West.
Have a wonderfully productive week, my friends!
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