A Completed Project, Fresh Strawberries, and Swimming

This week I enjoyed the somewhat slower-paced summer life at home. That means I had lots of time for writing, and I have already completed a key component of one of my goals. I finished the first draft of my Creative Inspiration Booster Pack!

It’s an e-book that I’m going to use as a gift for those who sign up for my new mailing list over at Starcat’s Corner.

I need to come up with a better name for it; “booster pack” implies it includes cards or something. I’m pleased with how it came out, though. I made up seven cool games for it, for folks to use to inspire their creative mojo. BlackLion is going to create some artwork for it, and we’ll pretty it all up. I hope that it will be ready by the end of this coming week, or so.

I’m so excited! I’ve been kicking around the idea of giving it to a couple of folks to read and give me feedback. It’s only about 30 pages, so it won’t take too long to read. If you’re interested in boosting your creative powers, let me know and I’ll send it to you.

That was my biggest piece of news. Other than that, I’ve been continuing with blogging, journal writing, and meditation. My exercise this week has been walking and swimming (a lot). We also went and picked strawberries, which was fun; they make a delicious snack and yummy smoothies. We made a big double batch of salsa and shared it with some family and friends.

I hope your week goes smoothly and productively, with lots of fun and laughter.


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