I had a very busy and intense weekend, and as a result have been lagging a bit this week. Still, I’m making gradual progress towards my goals. I’ve been working on the Resources section for my Cultivating Self-Love e-book, and I’m nearly done with it. After that, I just need to do an “about the author” bio and to finish setting up the photo shoot for the cover. BlackLion and I are thinking of releasing the e-book on August 1st, which is very exciting!
Haven’t done any new writing on the other e-book this week, though I have been writing blog posts. I have a meeting today with my author friend, to do some brainstorming and planning for our book signing and reading event in September. I’m about two-thirds of the way through reading Kristen Lamb’s book, which is going to prove very useful to me in the area of book promotion. Our fundraising for our trip is going along steadily, though I feel like we should have already purchased our airline tickets by now. I’m not going to fret, though.
I’ve been swimming a lot, and enjoying the time spent outside. It’s so restorative. And I know it’s unusual, but I really love the heat wave. Hot summer weather is my favorite. Warmth is good!
Hope you’re having a productive week and also treating yourself to some summer fun.
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