Hi there! I’m having a good week and truckin’ right along, working on my goals. I didn’t post on Sunday as I was in the midst of another busy weekend. That will be the case this weekend, too, as I’ll be away at a gig with the Dark Follies troupe. In the meantime, some much-needed rain is headed our way, perfect weather for writing! I think things are well in hand as far as my focus goes, and I’ll check back in again next Wednesday. Enjoy your projects, folks!
- After letting my ideas percolate for a while, I dove back into work on the Cultivating Self-Love e-book. I’ve written 2065 words in the past couple of days.
- I’m also getting back into the flow of blogging.
- I wrote, edited, and sent an essay on traditions in eclectic Paganism (yeah, I know, kind of a paradox) to my publisher – it will be included in a compilation they’re putting together for publication.
- I’ve secured another guest blog slot on one of my favorite blogs, Kind Over Matter. It’ll be published in August. Woo hoo!
- I’ve been doing more promotion via Facebook and Twitter, for my book as well as our Feline Dreamers wares.
- I still need to work on setting up my book signing and reading. I think I need to write out a plan with all the action steps – it’s feeling a bit overwhelming at the moment. More on this soon.
- We set up a date and time for our Feline Dreamers live Facebook chat. It will be on Sunday May 19th at 8pm.
Wellness and Practice
- Daily practice is going well. Journal writing and dancing are the constants. I’ve also been pretty consistent with my drumming practice lately.
- I haven’t done any yoga, but I have been out walking, some, in the spring weather. I had some back issues last week, but they’re much better now. For some reason, I’ve been eating more sugar than normal, but it hasn’t seemed to affect me adversely. Today I’m back to my usual no-sugar fare.
- I was part of a lovely Beltane ritual over the weekend, and spent the whole day at the ocean. It was refreshing and energizing, and I think it helped me get back into the mindset for writing the Cultivating Self-Love e-book, too.
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