Putting Plans in Motion

Wow, Wednesday is almost done. I’ve just got time for a quick check-in before BlackLion and I watch a bit of Downton Abbey together (no spoilers, please, we’re only on season 2!).

I haven’t done any more work on the e-book since my last update, but thoughts and ideas are rolling around in my mind. I find it’s good to let the imagination have its way with my projects sometimes.

I finished and sent off my first guest post for my publisher’s blog. You can see it here if you like. I’m pleased with it.

Today I’ve been formulating some plans for my book signing and reading. With the input of some fellow authors (on the Facebook authors’ page that my publisher kindly put together), I’m coming to the conclusion that doing my signing in a cafe or other non-bookstore location will actually work best. BlackLion and I have been brainstorming and taking notes. We have the perfect little local organic cafe in mind…  More to come as it unfolds.

BlackLion and I have set aside chunks of time tomorrow and Saturday to delve into some of our shared projects. I’m looking forward to that, and to diving back into the e-book.

Beltane Blessings to those who celebrate it, and Happy May Day to all!


Filed under ROW 80

4 Responses to Putting Plans in Motion

  1. Pingback: Try a Little…Acceptance: ROW80 Update, May 12, 2013 | shanjeniah

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