Ready for What’s Next

visionboardoct15Last time I wrote, I was still recovering from some travel and a few other events closer to home. I’m feeling like I have my energy back now, and I’m ready for what’s next!

I’m still organizing, sort of. I decided to start a Sunday night process of reviewing my upcoming week, scheduling in all of my priorities, and seeing what I might need in terms of self-care and support. This will help when my coaching program begins this coming Thursday – I know I’ll have lots of homework and projects to work on, as well as working on my WIP, blogging, and so forth. So that’s what I’ll be up to this evening, while some of my family is watching football and others are enjoying some video games.

Today I eased back into working on my book, which feels good. I only wrote 375 words today, but I read over the chapter I’m working on, and did a bit of rearranging of the various sections. It flows better now. I also finished my new vision board (pictured here), which I’d started during a workshop at the conference I attended. I love it!

Yesterday I blogged on Starcat’s Corner, which I hadn’t done for a while, and also did some blog planning for upcoming posts. I caught up on some record keeping, tracking book sales and things like that. We have our monthly Feline Dreamers newsletter all finished and scheduled to go out tomorrow. I sent in my ROW 80 sponsor post on Thursday, and I’m all caught up in my preparations for my coaching course. So I’ve achieved all my mini-goals that I set for the week.

I feel like I’m ready for the coaching course to start, and I’m committed to making good progress on the book this week as well. I am working on balancing my work with family events, household chores, and the part time work that I do at the radio station. I’ll let you know how it goes, but I feel really positive about it right now!

Mini-goals for this week:

  • Work on my DSP book every day.
  • Keep on track with my new blogging plan and schedule.
  • Draft copy for my Starcat’s Notebook newsletter, which I’ll send out next week.
  • Go with Quester to get paint for our interior walls this coming weekend. It’s a long-delayed project that I’m getting exited about! I want to have the downstairs all painted before we host the Thanksgiving feast next month.

I hope you have a creative and focused week!



Filed under ROW 80

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