I’ve been making progress toward my goals this week, although perhaps a bit slower than expected. It’s still summer, and I just had to take that day at the lake, right?
Today I added 915 new words to my book on spiritual practice, and I also created and sent out a short 4-question survey that will help me better tailor the chapter on obstacles to regular practice. So far I’ve received 15 responses in less than an hour, so that’s going well! If you’re interested in personal spirituality and would like to take the survey yourself, click here, and many thanks.
This afternoon I plan to write a blog post and a book review. BlackLion and I will also be working on the layout for my creative inspiration e-book. The drawings he’s created for it are terrific!
Yesterday I ordered copies of my second book, and I still need to order some copies of the first one (they come from separate vendors).
I finished reading a writing craft book, 500 Ways to Writer Harder by Chuck Wendig. It was pretty good. He’s quite funny, with a really twisted sense of humor, and I did glean some helpful tips. But the format of the book was distracting. It was a compilation of list-style posts from his blog. I knew that when I bought it, but I still found myself wishing for more in-depth writing on some of the topics. Ah well.
I also finished reading a book that I’m reviewing, and it was excellent. It’s Pagan Dreaming: The Magic of Altered Consciousness by Nimue Brown. It comes out next month from Moon Books, which is the publisher of my first book. Now I just need to write up the review and send it off.
All in all, progress is being made and fun is being had, so I feel like I’m on track. I wish you progress and fun, too!
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