This is the view outside my front door just moments ago. It’s a good day to stay indoors, warm and cozy, and do some writing. And cooking.
My NaNoWriMo novel is on track. I’m at 46,449 words as of right now. I’m also working on a personal essay I’ll be sharing at an upcoming gathering of my women’s group. I’m not sure what I’ll do with the piece afterwards, but if I can find someplace to submit it, like maybe a magazine, I might do that. Or I’ll use it as a guest blog post, or something. The working title is “A Tale of Loss and Belonging.” I’m pleased with how it’s coming along so far.
I’m also making butternut squash and pumpkin pie in preparation for tomorrow’s festivities. Our extended family will be gathering next door at my Aunt’s house for a delicious meal. I’ll plan to do a longer update on Sunday, but this is where I’m at for now. Watching the snow fall outside, knowing I don’t have to go anywhere today, and enjoying my creative time with words and foods.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with those you love!