I’m not doing NaNoWriMo this time around – I didn’t last year, either. I have a few friends who are doing it. I have to admit, I feel a tiny bit envious. I’m already putting it in the plans for November 2017. Yeah, I know, that’s a whole year away. I’m a Virgo, and an entrepreneur, and it’s the second-to-last month of the year – so of course I’m making my 2017 road map already. It’s been important to me, these past couple years, to focus on writing projects and other work that builds my business. This coming year, I’ll be focusing on getting our existing books, courses, and other offerings out to a wider audience – that will leave room in my writing schedule for some play time, which for me means fiction.
Even though I’m not tapped into the NaNoWriMo energy, I’m making some good progress. I’ve finished my first edit of my The Heart of the Goddess book draft, and built the Resources section as I went. I’ve found three advance readers (so far) who have the time to read the book pretty quickly and give me feedback. By the way, if you have the time and interest in devouring a book on the resurgence of the Feminine Divine in the next week, let me know!
My learning goal is going well. I’m participating in the Personal Finance Consciousness Circle, and reading the Denise Duffield-Thomas book, which is excellent. BlackLion and I are working on our Feline Dreamers community-building plans. I’ve been blogging pretty steadily. I’ve actually done some winter holiday preparations, which is good, because it’s sneaking up on us.
I just started my yearly “Pagan Lent” plan, which means that I give up refined sugar and alcohol from Halloween/Samhain until the Winter Solstice. I’m on day 6 and it’s been no problem at all. I think my body is used to it, as part of the yearly cycle. I also added a daily dance session, for exercise. I’m on day 2 of that. My spiritual practices continue to go well.
So, things are going great so far toward my Round 4 goals. Here are my mini-goals for the upcoming week:
- continue to promote pre-orders for The Heart of the Goddess
- get a couple more advance readers and send them the pdf
- make plans for our Facebook ad campaign that we’ve been working on
- work on the holiday collage cards
- make plans with BlackLion for our Soulfulness Week (part of our community-building work)
I wish you a productive week full of words, especially those doing NaNoWriMo or otherwise tracking their word counts!
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