I just found out about bullet journaling recently, and I’m geeking out on the whole idea of it. I haven’t started one yet, because I really love my Leonie Dawson 2016 day planner. But I can see myself adopting the whole system at some point. As a Virgo, hardcore journal-keeper, avid doodler, and curator of ideas, it lights me up on several levels. If this appeals to you like it does to me, watch the two videos in this link – yes, even the 30 minute one. I usually have little patience for videos, but I was avidly paying attention the whole time. I told you I was geeking out!
Anyway, it’s our first ROW 80 check-in today, and things are going well this week so far.
I worked on the Heart of the Goddess book draft on Monday and today. Here, as promised, are some word counts. I started the Round with 8,356 words already written. On Monday I added 905 new words. Today I wrote 1077 words. That brings me to a grand total of 10,338 words written on this draft so far. Not a bad start at all.
That’s pretty much all I have to report. I did a bit of blogging, and we’ve been planning our next steps in regard to videos, but that’s about it for now. I’ll start up again with the Wednesday celebrations next week. I hope your writing and other projects are going well!
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