Planning Makes Me Happy

As a Virgo, I guess it’s pretty stereotypical to be having fun with planning. In this case, it’s also a necessity for getting things done and enjoying myself through the remainder of 2015! I have five big projects going on, all of which are timely and of key importance during the next month or so. They are: my book launch for Centered In Spirit: Crafting Your Daily Practice, our Feline Dreamers online courses (which start in January), fully participating in the biz coaching program I’m taking, holiday preparations & celebrations, and home-tending (which includes, finally, our living room/kitchen painting project).

Wow. That’s a lot on my plate.

I decided that to keep myself sane and as stress free as possible, I needed to organize all the associated tasks. Yesterday BlackLion and I had a fantastic planning meeting, where we detailed all the tasks that need to be done for the book launch and online courses. We started using an app called Asana to organize these complex projects, and so far I love it.

Over the next few days, I plan to set up my other projects in the same program, so I’ll have everything all in one place.


Photo of Starcat and ElvenTiger by G.E. Nelson Photography.

I also accomplished pretty much everything on my list of mini goals for the week. I haven’t quite wrapped up my Resources list for the book, but that will be done today or tomorrow. Everything else is done: marketing plan, my Kind Over Matter post for December, and we had a fantastic photo shoot for the cover! This is a picture of my daughter (aka the model for my book covers) and I on the porch of the farmhouse where we did the photo shoot. I’m so thankful that it went so well, and the weather, while cold, was sunny and pretty.

So, for this week, here are my mini-goals:

  • Write and update copy for the book (blurb for back cover, author bio, etc.).
  • Work on my second-round book edit.
  • Write and update marketing material for our January online courses.
  • Set up plans in Asana for holiday preparations and house project.

I hope you have a wonderful and productive week, and for those finishing up NaNo, you can do it!!!

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