As we begin the Thanksgiving week here in the U.S., I’m feeling especially blessed. I’m thankful for the way my book editing is going. I’m grateful for the business coaching I’m receiving, and all that I’m learning. I’m so very thankful that I love my life and that I’m able to be creative every day. Huzzah!
BlackLion is editing Centered In Spirit: Crafting Your Daily Practice, which is going well. The Resources section is coming along nicely. I wrote draft copy for one of our January offerings for Feline Dreamers, and I’m awaiting feedback from my biz coach and classmates.
This week is a busy one, due to the holiday and to some extra work for my part-time gig (covering for others who are taking time off). I’ve set my writing and biz goals fairly low, so I don’t get too overwhelmed.
Here are my mini-goals for the week:
- Finish the Resources section of my book.
- Have a successful book cover photo shoot on Wednesday (I’m really excited about this!).
- Write up a marketing plan, with deadlines, for our January offerings.
- Write and send my Kind Over Matter post for December.
Congratulations to those of you who have finished NaNoWriMo already, and good luck to everyone on a productive and joyful week!
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