I’ve been having one of those busy weekends – a performance on Friday night, then I had to work on Saturday, attended a birthday party after work, and today went to a performance of the Lippizzaner Stallions (which is something I highly recommend – such beautiful horses!). Even so, I’ve been making good progress on my goals.
As of now I’m at 20,580 words on my WIP, the book about daily spiritual practice. The total word count will probably end up around 36K, so I’m more than halfway there. I’ve also been working on some ideas for the title, with the help of my friend who’s staying with us.
Yesterday I blogged over at Starcat’s Corner, which I hadn’t done for a while. I need to do a bit of planning for upcoming posts, as I’ve mostly been doing it sort of by the seat of my pants, which isn’t as efficient as it could be. I’ve been enjoying working on my business, sort of playing around with some of the concepts from the biz coaching course. It gets started for real this week, so I’m sure I’ll have more “homework” and such to do for it. I found out one of my in-real-life friends is taking the course too; it’ll be fun to have someone to chat with about it. I also worked on some promotion for my book signing next weekend.
So, things are cooking along well. I’m feeling good about that.
Here are my goals for the upcoming week. You might notice that they look very much like last week’s goals. Heh heh. It’s okay, that’s intentional.
- Work on the DSP e-book at least 4 days.
- Get back on track with my blogging schedule and do some planning for upcoming posts.
- Devote an hour each day to work on homework for the marketing/biz coaching course I’m taking.
- Write and send out my monthly Starcat’s Notebook newsletter.
- Work on planning and promoting my book talk & signing that happens on 9/12.
May your week be full of splendiferous joys and inspiring writing sessions.
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