Blessed September

I’m so happy that September has arrived! I always love this month; it’s one of my favorites. Partly because it’s my birthday month (the 13th) and also because I get that shiny, inspired, back-to-school feeling. I’m especially creative in the late summer and throughout autumn, and I enjoy it.

This year it’s augmented by the fact that I’m taking a business coaching course for women, which is focused on effective marketing. I’ll be marketing not only my books but also the other products and services that we offer through Feline Dreamers (guided meditations, online courses, and more). Last night was the first call of the course, and it was fantastic. It was all about managing your time, and making sure your heart-centered priorities come first. One of my realizations is that I want my writing to have equal priority to my family time, and since family is one of my most important priorities, it feels good to acknowledge that.

Already today I resumed working on my WIP, took time to work on my business (which is part of the homework for the course), and exercised (which I’ve been neglecting lately). It feels terrific! I apparently hadn’t written on the book since 8/11, which is way too long. It feels good to be back on track, and my goal is to finish the first draft this month. It should be totally do-able, as I’m about halfway there.

I also got in touch with the shop owner about my upcoming book talk and signing, so we’ll be collaborating on promoting it soon.

I’m feeling really good about my progress thus far, and the rest of the week’s plans. My son is doing well with his first week of college, and becoming acclimated to his new world. My daughter is enjoying time with her friends and stretching the summer out as long as possible, which is perfect for an unschooler. My friends I’ve been helping seem to be feeling better and they have proactive plans in place.

I feel blessed to have this renewed focus on the things that are most important to me. I’m thankful for September’s arrival.


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