Summer Mode is Goooooood!

fd140716lakeMy family has officially moved into summer mode. Our weekly homeschool co-op is done for the summer, lacrosse season is over, and we’re planning some fun road trips. We’re actually headed to visit some friend at their lakeside camp this afternoon.

Summer and fall are my favorite seasons, so I’m thrilled. Plus, less driving-around-kids time means more writing time! That’s a win, for sure.

This week I’ve been back at work on my Creative Inspiration Booster Pack (an e-book that subscribers to my new mailing list at Starcat’s Corner will receive as a free gift). It’s coming along well. I’ve also been doing some blogging, and keeping up with my daily journal writing.

I’m 54 percent of the way through reading 500 Ways to Write Harder by Chuck Wendig, and I’m also reading an excellent book on creativity, different types of intelligence, and more, that I found at our local library’s book sale. It’s The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson, and it’s excellent.

After nearly two years doing the ROW80 thing, I decided I’m no longer one of the “new kids,” and signed up as a sponsor for Round 3. That’ll be fun! I need to start thinking about what wisdom I have to share, to inspire my fellow writers. It’s also nearly time to come up with a new set of goals! Wow, time flies…

Have a wonderful and productive week and I’ll see you on Sunday.

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