We’ve been having some nicer weather this week, which feels really good in a soul-deep way. I’ve gone on walks the past three days in a row, and my creativity has been flowing freely. I’m really happy with the progress I’m making. I can see how many amazing things I’m going to accomplish this year, and how much fun it’s going to be (and is already).
Work on my novel-in-progress is going very well. I’m now at 87,488 words on the way to 100K-ish. I’ve completed 43 of 59 scenes, and today I plotted out all the remaining scenes, filling in the blanks around the major plot points. Also, this week I decided that this will be book 1 of a series, so I included some openings for the coming stories, as I did my plotting of the final scenes.
I haven’t blogged since I last wrote here on Sunday, but I have some posts in the works, and I’ve been collecting ideas for future ones.
My craft reading and study is going wonderfully. I’ve completed my goal of reading 3 books this round, and I’ve started on a fourth. So many inspiring ideas! My goals next round will include a quite a few of them, as I implement new ways to reach readers and build my own mini-empire. So very exciting!
One of my goals that I hadn’t devoted much time to yet this round is to “pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them.” I went to look up some dreams from last year, and discovered I’d recorded a lot more of them than I thought. So I started working on my Dream Chronicles again, typing the dreams into a document from the journals where I’d written them. This has spurred my dream recall, and I wrote down a new dream just this morning. Many of my dreams are like stories, and as I review them, I’m uncovering the seeds of future writing ideas. It’s inspiring and fun.
My daily practices have been going well. This week has included time for reading, yoga, meditation, journal writing, gratitude lists, spending time with family, and going for walks. I feel like I’m doing well with balancing the various aspects of my life. I hope this winning streak continues!
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