Apparently I needed a bit of a rest after the big website launch. This week was a bit quiet in terms of working on things from my list of goals for this round. Though, to be fair, there were lots of other things going on.
Like what? Why, thank you for asking.
We made a herd of paper horses, after learning how in paper arts class at homeschool co-op. I finished a novel I was reading – historical fiction that was pretty good. Shadow on the Crown by Patricia Bracewell. In case you were wondering, you do not want to be a woman in 11th century England. Just saying.
We watched some Big Bang Theory and started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. We had a Dark Follies gig at a comic book store – super fun, plus I was drooling over some of the merchandise, like Neil Gaiman’s graphic novels, old Dungeons & Dragons books, and a figurine of Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lots of drumming and singing and ukulele playing (the latter not by me, but I was helping my daughter by singing along as she learned a cool new tune). I got to go to out for Mexican food with my favorite aunt.
Among other things. We kept up well with our new social media marketing plans, and they seem to be going well. But writing wasn’t in the cards much, until tonight, when we wrote our latest Faerie Tidings episode. This week will prove more wordy, I feel confident. Have a terrific week, whatever is in the cards for you!
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