Tag Archives: The Door Is the Key

Oh My, Is That the Time?

Wow, I can hardly believe that it’s nearly the end of this round. Seriously. In some ways, I feel like I’ve hardly gotten started! But in other ways, I have been making progress towards my goals, and learning a lot about myself and my creative process. I’m also pleased to say that I’m feeling good about myself. I’m living in the moment more, rather than relying on expectations and self-criticism as I might have done in the past. And therefore, I’m happier. So that’s totally a win.

OK, as for the goals, beginning with Creating: I actually have been making some progress with revising/editing The Door Is the Key. I’m on page 87 of 213 in my initial read-through, using the Rock Your Revisions system. That doesn’t sound like much, but we’re getting some great ideas for revising our story and making it stronger. I feel good about it.

My personal blogging is going pretty well. I’m not posting as often as I’d planned, but I’m doing what I can. Guest blogging, on the other hand, is going really well. I had that big post on Kind Over Matter, and this week BlackLion and I wrote a guest post for Bliss Habits (it’s not up yet, or I’d add a link). I also did my usual monthly post for the Moon Books blog.

As for choosing and outlining a new book project, well…I’ve got a couple exciting things simmering on the back burner. I won’t say more just yet, but the creative juices are bubbling. Heh heh.

Looking at my Learning and Sharing section, perhaps I’ve accomplished more than I thought. I’ve been reading and learning, Feline Dreamers is doing amazing with our marketing plan thus far, and I’m in the midst of a bunch of book review trades and such. Huh. That’s really cool. I haven’t looked into CreateSpace yet, but I will get to it.

As for my personal Wellness Practices, I’ve been off and on with these. Illness and my March malaise have held me back a bit, particularly on the exercise front. Baby steps. I haven’t done much de-cluttering, either, but it’s on the radar. The thing that I have been doing really well with, as mentioned above, is going with the flow. And in doing so, I’m pleasantly surprised at how much has gotten done. Maybe there’s something to this… Hmm.

Now I’m all excited for the next round. Bring it on!

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