Forward Momentum, Check!

Well, I’ve certainly got my mojo back! This week has been very productive so far.

My sermon for the Unitarian Universalist church on Sunday, on the topic “The Rise of the Feminine Divine,” went over super well! I got a lot of positive response and feedback. So that’s really empowering. I felt natural up there at the podium. I’m ready to offer the talk to lots of other venues, including more UU churches. That’s exciting.

I’ve been working a bit on revisions for my novel Patterns In the Void. I’ve also secured a DOZEN enthusiastic advance readers! That will certainly keep me accountable and on track to finish my first round of revisions by the end of this month, so I can get the second draft to my new beta readers. Woo hoo!

My book promotion plans for The Heart of the Goddess are moving forward, baby step by baby step. It feels good to have a plan that I can follow, and one that’s not too overwhelming for this introvert – if I had to call a dozen bookstores in one day I’d probably hide under the bed! So I’m not doing it that way. So far, so good. This week so far I’ve asked some folks to write reviews, and set up a Goodreads giveaway.

Last night I finished reading Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas. It was excellent! I got a lot out of it. Very worthwhile. I also watched the recording of a webinar she did, and she’s just fantastic. She’s also a fellow Virgo, which is interesting – is that why I resonate with her so much? Perhaps so.

I’ve also been dancing and doing some great Feline Dreamers biz work with BlackLion and lots of other productive things. In fact, the only area where I’ve really been slacking lately is blogging. In particular, I haven’t posted to my Starcat’s Corner blog for about three weeks. I do have a couple of topic ideas, though, and will hopefully get back to it soon.

Enjoy your week. I hope it’s joyfully productive!

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