My Shiny New Foundation


It’s hard to believe that Round 2 of ROW 80 has come and gone, like last night’s oh-so-delicious blueberry pie and vanilla bean gelato. There are quite a few of my goals that I didn’t accomplish this round, or even get started on.

But I’m not feeling sad or disappointed.

There are so many other things that I’ve been doing this round, things that are building a strong foundation for my life and career. Some of them are directly related to my writing, while others are less tangible, but nonetheless real to me. They are part of my spirituality, and the way it has always been intertwined with my creativity, sparking my imagination and excitement.

An example: as I write this, I’m preparing to leave for a three-day retreat called Yescapades, put on by the lovely Play Nexus tribe. Just like it sounds, the gathering is about conscious play. Why would I choose to play instead of work toward my goals? This type of play changes worlds. I’ve been participating in online gatherings with this group of folks for several months, and the techniques they employ, many inspired by the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction processes, help people to release resistance, get clear about what they really desire, and dance into a life that’s full of joy, creativity, and passion.

My work with this particular group is only one aspect of the intense personal transformation I’ve been actively pursuing. It’s rocking my world, and inspiring me on so many levels.

So, I’m happy with how things have gone this round, and I’m beyond excited about bringing these new ideas and inspirations back into my daily writing and creating. My goals for round 3 will reflect my new attitude and approach, though I’ll most likely be working on several of the same projects.

Here’s a goal-by-goal breakdown of where I’m at and where I’d like to go from here.

Revise and edit The Door Is the Key book 1 (TDITK1). Finish the first pass of revisions using Rock Your Revisions. Complete re-writes and added scenes as necessary. Do the first complete proof-reading edit. BlackLion and I did work on this, especially early on in the round. We’ve nearly completed the first pass of revisions. I’ll be continuing this goal for the next round, for sure.

Complete current nonfiction WIP. Update outline for Daily Spiritual Practice (DSP) book to include the new ideas and direction I’ve been contemplating. Revise what I’ve written thus far. Finish first draft of DSP. Target is 5oK words or so. Starting the round, I’m at 8500 words. I didn’t get to this project. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it, yet. I also still have my Creative Inspiration Booster Pack to finish, which I hope to accomplish early in round 3. 

De-clutter and organize my life, creating beautiful spaces. Clean and organize my upstairs desk and filing cabinets. Continue to de-clutter and beautify our shared living spaces. Paint the living room, kitchen, and stairwell. The painting project has been on hold, but I do hope to get to it in round 3. Same with the general de-cluttering. I did get rid of a bunch of stuff from the basement, donating it to a yard sale fundraiser, which felt really good.

Ramp up Feline Dreamers. Finish updating the Shop on our website. Create weekday Fae Musings e-mails. Create author mailing list for Starcat’s Corner website. The Shop has been updated, and my mailing list is ready to go. We didn’t create the Fae Musings e-mails yet, but instead we launched our first online course, The Alchemy of Core Beliefs. It’s gone very well, and we plan to offer it again soon. So this goal is a definite success.

Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least twice per week, Feline Dreamers every other week, and on this blog twice per week. Write, edit, and submit guest blog posts for SoulFire Om, Kind Over Matter, Facing North, and Moon Books. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas. I’ve generally been keeping up well with my blogging and guest posting, with some lulls. 

Continue my craft & business learning. Read at least 3 books about writing and/or ethical marketing & promotion. Check out a couple of writer podcasts. Keep notes on ideas to use, and begin implementing them. Add a Call to Action (CTA) to my Cultivating Self-Love e-book. Follow through with action items from 4/27 The Energy of Business workshop. My reading and study is going very well, and will continue. I still need to add that CTA; I’d kind of forgotten about it. I’m learning a lot, and brainstorming my next steps.

Make inspiring art and music. Practice zentangling. Create new scrapbook pages and art journal pages. Take nature photographs to use on my websites and blog posts. Practice drumming regularly. Learn and practice at least two new songs with family members. My art has been going quite well, and is inspiring me. I hadn’t done much at all with music until recently, when I drummed at a festival, and remembered why I love it so much. It’s drumming season for me, I guess! 

Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Do the Abraham meditations 3 times per week. Oh my goodness, yes! If you read the introduction, above, you’ll understand that this goal encompasses the foundations I’ve been building. I’ve been doing all of these things, and more. I’ll update this goal for round 3, and include some of the new practices I’ve been integrating.

GRACEfully invite ease, purpose, and kindness into my daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. Eat well and exercise. Get outdoors for walks and hikes on a regular basis. Yes. It’s going very well. I’m so thankful.

I’m going to be a sponsor for the first time, for ROW 80 round 3! I’m excited about getting to know you more, and sharing some inspiring words. I hope you enjoy the break and come up with some deliciously yummy goals for yourself for our next round together! Blessings!


Filed under ROW 80

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