Rollin’ Into the End of Round 2


The view from camp!

Here we are, just a week and a half or so away from the end of Round 2 of ROW80. Just a week (exactly) until the Summer Solstice. And I’m just about to start a whirlwind of fun adventures! We’re heading to our (extended) family’s camp on the ocean for a few days, then right after we get back, a few of us are off to drum at a festival for the weekend. I also have a weekend retreat at the end of the month, and a vacation at the beginning of July. Welcome, Summer!

This week I did my blogging ahead of time, scheduling a couple of Starcat’s Corner posts for next week while I’m gone. I won’t be checking in here on Wednesday, as I won’t be in a place that has internet.

I do plan to take my laptop up to camp and finish writing all the copy for my Creative Inspiration Booster Pack. That’s my main goal while I’m away. Well, that and focusing on my other goals of getting more exercise, time in nature, and spiritual connection. The family camp is a really magickal place, where I’ve always found peace and inspiration. I’ll be gathering in those energies and getting ready for the next round of creativity.

I hope you have a fantastic week of creative inspiration and words galore!


Filed under ROW 80

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