I finished the first draft of my WIP that I’d been working on during round 1! Huzzah! Patterns In the Void is 117,094 words – plenty of room to edit down. I’m celebrating, and at the same time I’m looking forward to diving into the next round of writing projects. Someone asked if I was sad that it’s done, but no, not at all. I’m so very thrilled about being in such a groove with my writing career. I feel like a kid in one of those really awesome toy stores, who’s just been told that ALL the toys are hers to enjoy at will.
So that’s the plan for round 2 – keep on creating and enjoying! I’m going to set Patterns In the Void aside for a bit and focus on revisions for another urban fantasy novel, the draft BlackLion and I co-wrote last year, The Door Is the Key. I’ll also be writing a non-fiction book I started that’s been on the shelf for a while. The details are below.
I’m very excited about it all. I hope that you are in a space of joy and passion with your creations, too. Blessings!
2015 Row 80 Round 2 Goals
Revise and edit The Door Is the Key book 1 (TDITK1). Finish the first pass of revisions using Rock Your Revisions. Complete re-writes and added scenes as necessary. Do the first complete proof-reading edit.
Complete current nonfiction WIP. Update outline for Daily Spiritual Practice (DSP) book to include the new ideas and direction I’ve been contemplating. Revise what I’ve written thus far. Finish first draft of DSP. Target is 50K words or so. Starting the round, I’m at 8500 words.
De-clutter and organize my life, creating beautiful spaces. Clean and organize my upstairs desk and filing cabinets. Continue to de-clutter and beautify our shared living spaces. Paint the living room, kitchen, and stairwell.
Ramp up Feline Dreamers. Finish updating the Shop on our website. Create weekday Fae Musings e-mails. Create author mailing list for Starcat’s Corner website.
Focus on blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least twice per week, Feline Dreamers every other week, and on this blog twice per week. Write, edit, and submit guest blog posts for SoulFire Om, Kind Over Matter, Facing North, and Moon Books. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas.
Continue my craft & business learning. Read at least 3 books about writing and/or ethical marketing & promotion. Check out a couple of writer podcasts. Keep notes on ideas to use, and begin implementing them. Add a Call to Action (CTA) to my Cultivating Self-Love e-book. Follow through with action items from 4/27 The Energy of Business workshop.
Make inspiring art and music. Practice zentangling. Create new scrapbook pages and art journal pages. Take nature photographs to use on my websites and blog posts. Practice drumming regularly. Learn and practice at least two new songs with family members.
Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Pay attention to my dreams and keep records of them. Set intentions before sleep and upon waking. Do the Abraham meditations 3 times per week.
GRACEfully invite ease, purpose, and kindness into my daily life. Do things I love: write in my journal, read, do yoga, dance, spend time with loved ones, and express my gratitude. Eat well and exercise. Get outdoors for walks and hikes on a regular basis.
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