It’s another productive week here in Starcat land, and I’m very thankful. My NaNoWriMo novel outline is coming along great!
I’ve put quite a bit of time into it, and yesterday I got some input from a couple of beloveds. I’m still looking for a working title for the book. I think I only have a couple more hours of focused work on the outline, though, and I’ll be ready to go.
Well, I do have to type up all my notes and my outline, as my planning thus far has been on paper. I hope to get my laptop back this week (fingers crossed) so I’ll be able to use it for NaNoWriMo starting on Saturday. As I told BlackLion, I can write 2,000 words a day using pen and paper, but I prefer not to, as it adds the step of having to type it up at some point. Plus, it’s harder to do manual word counts. Heh heh.
My first blog post for the new inspirational women’s spirituality website, SoulFire Om, is up! I’m pretty pleased with it. I took the photo, too. The site’s founder, who is an online friend of mine, has posted several ideas for upcoming themes, so I’ve been jotting down ideas for my next contributions. That’s going well, and my own blogging is chugging along nicely, too.
I’ve also returned to my goal of creating a cozy work space for myself. Quester and I decided to give our bedroom a deep cleaning, and my desk space is fortunately part of that room. Motivation! I gathered a huge stack of Home Education magazines to donate to my homeschool co-op, sorted through a stack of recipe magazines (saving only the recipes I’m interested in), and did a bunch of filing. It’s getting there.
Progress is being made, fun is being had, and I’ll talk with you on the other side, in the magickal month of November. Good luck with all your goals!
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