Productive Energies

Wow, I’ve gotten more creative and promotional work done over the past few days than I have in the past two weeks! Must be the increasing energies of spring – that, and Mercury has gone direct again, thank goodness! We had a big snowstorm yesterday (winter’s last hurrah, I hope), and I had a bunch of extra time for writing and reading. Between that and a productive morning today, I’ve:

  • written 2500 words on my new e-book
  • followed up with several local bookstores about carrying my book (and potential reading and signing events)
  • finished a journaling project I was hoping to get done before Spring Equinox
  • worked on a new art journal page
  • written on all 3 of my blogs (this one, my Starcat’s Corner one, and our Feline Dreamers blog)
  • ordered more copies of my book
  • read and made notes on one of the books I’m reading

and a bunch of other small items that were haunting my to-do list, mostly planning and scheduling-type stuff. Yippee for bursts of energy and momentum! I hope I can sustain it, especially the work on the e-book. I’m excited about it, which certainly helps with motivation. Tomorrow is a busy day, but I hope to get some writing time in the late evening when I get home. It helps to be a night owl. Hoot!


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