Wow, it’s been a while since I checked in here. Three weeks, to be exact. We have had SO MUCH SNOW in these past few weeks. There’s only one more week left in February, and then we move on to March, which contains Spring Equinox. Notice I didn’t say “that’s when spring arrives” – I live in northern New England, so the snow is likely to persist into April. But at least we’ll begin seeing the signs of a new season approaching.
Things are generally going well. I’m a bit behind on some projects, and ahead on others. I have a lot of revising to do in this last week of the month, because my target is to have my second draft of Patterns In the Void to my beta readers at the beginning of March. Yikes! I think I can, I think I can…
Book promotion and community building are going quite well. I’ve had two unexpected teaching opportunities recently, both on the topic of the Feminine Divine, and they were both fun and inspiring. I love talking and teaching about my passions! It also gets the word out to new potential readers and students. March is going to be very busy with community-building events: we have two workshops, a day-long mini-retreat, and will be helping a friend with a virtual week event. Plus some virtual online chats of our own.
I did some de-cluttering in my bedroom, with more yet to do. I’m dancing every day for exercise, and that feels really awesome! I’ve gotten back to a bit of blogging – not as much as I’d like, but better than none.
I hope your late winter is full of words and stories!
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