I’ve always kind of hated that phrase, “now more than ever.” It became really popular after 9/11, and I just rolled my eyes, thinking of it as a sort of catch-all for “things have changed and we don’t like it.” I actually refused to say it for the short time that the public radio station I work part-time for used it as a tag line (though I don’t think anyone ever noticed).
This past week, though, I’ve felt like it’s one of those times where “now more than ever” kinda applies – particularly for people like me who are unapologetically liberal, pro-choice, pro-diversity, hippie Pagans.
I’m finding that my upcoming book, The Heart of the Goddess, while I didn’t write it to be trendy or because I foresaw this sort of thing (I really thought we’d be celebrating our first woman President), is resonating with many people. People who are in my camp are really trying to figure out what to do next, to make sure our values of tolerance, love, human rights, and supportive communities are nurtured and not trampled on. People are frightened, upset, and angry.
The values of the Divine Feminine, which I talk about in the book, are compassion, creative expression, holistic health, intuition, respect for diversity, communion with Nature, spiritual connection, and collaboration. Sounds like things we need more of in our lives, right?
So, what about my ROW80 goals? Thankfully, this was a week where I have my draft out to advance readers, so I didn’t have a bunch of book stuff to do. I did quite a bit of work on my business, though. We’re continuing to promote (and get) pre-orders for the book. BlackLion and I are making plans for an upcoming free virtual “Soulfulness Week,” and working on our road map for 2017, which includes a Facebook ad campaign. So it was a productive week, despite all the weirdness in the news.
I feel like the work I’m doing is vital, yes, “now more than ever.” Even more important, I love what I do. I’m so thankful for my freedom, creativity, and ability to devote my time to my passions. Onward!
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