Extra Gratitude

I haven’t posted in a while, but happily that’s because I’ve been so busy working on my goals. I’m one-third of the way through my final edit of my book manuscript (The Heart of the Goddess: A Handbook for Living Soulfully). I’ve written the blurb for the back, and all the front matter and such. BlackLion has been working on the cover, which is coming along nicely.

On Tuesday we made 6 videos – five for our upcoming Soulfulness Week free virtual event next week and the final one that we’d been putting off for the peaceful parenting project for some time. Yay! BlackLion edited all of the Soulfulness Week ones and added music and an open and close (so fancy!).

I had a terrific meeting today with a copywriter who is helping us with some marketing copy, as part of my business coaching program. She’s amazing! I’m so excited about what we came up with.

Tonight BlackLion is going over see our friend at Tinkering Gnome computer repair, as his computer suddenly decided not to work. Yikes! It has all the videos and my book cover on it, as well as a bunch of photos. Hopefully all will go smoothly with fixing it or at least recovering what we need immediately. Thankfully all of my writing content gets backed up regularly, so that won’t be an issue. And I know, I know, the videos and photos should be backed up as well, we just haven’t had a good place to store backups lately. Ah well, it’s like cars – things break down now and then. I’m usually pretty Zen about it. If all else fails we can re-record the videos, and we have all the raw photos from the book cover photo shoot on a disc, so it can be recreated too.

Tomorrow we are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for 12, which will be a whole lot of fun, with yummy foods. I’m looking forward to that.

I’ve been doing Gratitude Wednesdays (when I’m around to post on Wednesday, ahem), and tomorrow is a huge Gratitude Day, so here’s my list!

I’m so thankful for:

  • my amazing family and friends!
  • our tech-savvy friend at Tinkering Gnome and her flexibility in helping us out in a pinch.
  • being *almost* done with my part of book production.
  • all of the positive response we’ve been getting about Soulfulness Week! So excited!
  • delicious food to enjoy together.
  • my warm home during this cold snap (which in Maine means now through March, heh heh).
  • the amazing tribe of biz women I belong to, and how we all uplift and support one another.
  • my love of writing and creativity. It’s such fun!
  • the way I always have good books to read – I’m a bookworm and also a book magnet.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! And a productive week to all who wish it. Blessings!

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