My retreat was fantastic! A terrific group of women, lots of learning, deep insights, mapping out plans for the rest of the year, laughter and inspiration. I left feeling very empowered. The picture is of the Tarot card I received there – “Seeing the True You.” That makes sense. I’m finally feeling like a Real Biz Owner and author-entrepreneur.
I haven’t written any new words since I last updated you, well, except in my journal. I’ve had lots of wonderful nature time this weekend, and good exercise. I’ve been making plans and getting ready to implement them. I’m feeling excited.
Oh, and something very cool – several of the women at the retreat are interested in forming a smaller group for those of us working on writing projects as part of our businesses. There will probably be about 6 of us in the sub-group, and a few folks have also offered to serve as beta readers. So that’s awesome!
Here are my mini-goals for this coming week:
- Work on my Heart of the Goddess book draft four out of five weekdays.
- Set up a timeline for a new biz project and run it by my coach.
- Find a partner to host our September workshop in NYC.
- Listen to live and recorded calls for my biz coaching program and do my homework.
I hope your week is fun and productive. Blessings!