I’m happy to report that I’ve been making great strides on my WIP all week. I feel like I’ve stopped struggling with this one and really found my groove. My WIP word count (in total) is now, 34,268, which means that this week I’ve written 5,618 words. That’s great progress! Woo hoo!
The gears are turning in other aspects of my life, too. I’ve been exercising this week, and eating healthy foods. My morning meditation is going extremely well. I created and scheduled my next Starcat’s Notebook newsletter (it goes out tomorrow morning). We had our first call for the coaching group, which was awesome. I’m on track with my homework for that, and very much looking forward to our upcoming in-person retreat. I mean, I’m so excited I have to keep myself from jumping up and down with glee when I think of it! Seriously.
The only area where I haven’t really been on track is with my blogging. I intended to write two posts for Starcat’s Corner, this week, and I haven’t done any. Ah well, another week is coming. I’ll add blogging to this week’s mini-goals and not worry about it, because that’s how I roll. I did, however, write a blog post for Feline Dreamers that is garnering some positive feedback, so that feels good.
Well, we also haven’t gotten the paint for the house yet, but that’s because Quester had to stay up north an extra couple of days. I’m sure we’ll get to it soon. I need to figure out, in this crazy schedule of mine, just when we’re going to have time to paint. Hmm.
Here are my updated mini-goals for this week:
- Work on my DSP book every day.
- Keep on track with my SASS Circle coaching group homework.
- Get back on track with my new blogging plan and schedule.
- Get in touch with my photographer to schedule time for a DSP book cover shoot.
- Go with Quester to get paint for our interior walls.
Have a terrific week. Happy Halloween and/or Blessed Samhain to those who celebrate!
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