My week has been super productive so far. That’s because I’m kind of “front-loading” my work, knowing that I’ll be gone Thursday through Sunday, performing at a festival. In fact, I’ve already achieved most of my mini-goals for the week. Woo hoo!
I’ve been working on my daily spiritual practice book, and I’m now up to 17,538 words. I’m nearing the end of chapter 2. I also posted an excerpt from the introduction on both of my blogs. I’d love to hear your feedback if you take the time to read it. Thanks in advance!
The virtual business retreat has been fantastic so far, and is helping me to really refine my goals for the rest of 2015 and the steps I need to take to get there.
Blogging has been going well, and I’ve already posted and/or scheduled two Starcat’s Corner posts for this week, which gets me back on track. I wrote and sent the latest book review, of Tantra for the West (great book, by the way). My first Starcat’s Notebook newsletter is ready to go out tomorrow morning. Yay! I’m starting with 24 subscribers, and looking to grow the list over the coming days and weeks.
BlackLion and I have also been working on our marketing for the next offering of our online course, The Alchemy of Core Beliefs. We sent out information to our subscribers (this is a separate list from my new one, though with some overlap), and have the back-end website page all updated and ready. Now we’re working on getting the word out, and will probably do a Facebook ad campaign.
Lots in progress, and now it’s just about time to prepare for a long weekend of camping and performing. I hope the rest of your week is both fun and productive. Blessings!
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