Making Good Progress

I love being able to come here and talk about writing. I was just reading a quote on Facebook about how it’s sad when someone is all lit up, excited to talk about their passions, and then they shut down and say “Oh, sorry, I must be boring  you.” It means that someone else shut them down, somewhere in the past. And it’s true, it’s not always easy to find folks who are truly interested in the details of my craft. I’m thankful to have fellow ROW 80 writers to share with about word counts, writing schedules, and the like. Thanks for listening!

This week has brought some more good progress on the novel. I’m currently at 83,782 words on the way to 100K-ish. I’m only on scene 42 out of an estimated 59, though, so I might exceed my word count. Which is fine, as it will give me room to trim when I’m editing. The tale is definitely going to need some attention. I’m finding it a bit tricky to weave things together. Before I started, I outlined the major plot points, but left the other scenes to evolve and fill in as I wrote. So it can be a challenge to make sure everything makes sense and the characters get where they need to be. It’s an experiment in progress.

Other goals? What other goals? Oh yeah. Well, today I cleaned the house rather than working on the novel. It really needed to be vacuumed, and was getting on my nerves, so I just did it.

Blogging has been going great this week. I feel like I’ve gotten back on track with it after a bit of a lull.

I’ve been very much enjoying reading about writing, marketing, and (self)publishing. I finished Let’s Get Digital by David Gaughran, which was excellent. Now I’m devouring How to Market a Book by Joanna Penn. Really good info. I’m adjusting some of my current practices based on what she says. I’ve also been getting more comments on Facebook for my blog posts lately, and engaging with more folks, so my long-term work on building an author platform is beginning to show fruit. Yay!

My journal writing, gratitude, and meditation practices are going well. I haven’t done much art or music lately, but that’s because I’ve been so wrapped up in writing and studying. I’m like that, tending to ebb and flow into and out of different interests over time.

Oh, and I was going to report back on how my writing schedule is going. But really, there’s not much to report yet. I had a stretch of having to be out of the house for various activities, so I haven’t had a pure “writing day” in the latter part of the week. I’ll get back to you on that. Happy writing, all!

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