I’m excited to report that the words have been pouring out of me this week. I’m planning my NaNo novel, using the system in Rock Your Plot by Cathy Yardley, and it’s working wonderfully. I also drafted up one of my big guest blog posts, and I’m quite pleased with it so far.
It’s rainy here this week, and although things are still pretty busy for me, I’m stealing away every chance I get to figure out some more cool stuff for my novel. Since my laptop is at the computer doctor, I’m writing it all down longhand in a notebook. I love that. My creativity is flowing. I finished the zentangle I was working on in my art journal. I’m finding cool links on sacred geometry. I started listening to an amazing new podcast, Remarkably Human Radio, and it’s sparking all kinds of amazing ideas (check out episode 2 in particular).
I was a bit worried about doing NaNoWriMo on my own (my partner and I collaborated on a novel last year), but not anymore. I can do this. I can hardly wait until November begins!
In the meantime, I’m creating like crazy. And it’s so much fun!
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