Summer is always a busy time for me and my family. It’s one of my favorite times of year, and this round lies at the heart of this gorgeous season.
In honor of summer, and of some work on integration that I’ve been doing as part of my spiritual practices, I’m keeping things simple this time – or as simple as it gets for this Virgoan author, anyway. I’m focusing on ENJOYing all aspects of my life, and making it easy to create as the muse inspires me. I look forward to seeing how this round unfolds.
Here are my goals for ROW 80 Round 3:
De-clutter and organize my work spaces. Purchase and set up my new laptop. Save the pertinent files from the old laptop. Clean my upstairs desk, bookshelves, and filing cabinets. Create beautiful, inviting, and user-friendly working spaces.
In collaboration with BlackLion, edit, revise and polish our NaNoWriMo 2013 novel, The Door Is the Key. Have it sent out to our beta readers by the end of the Round.
Upgrade my blogging. Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least 3 times per week, and on this blog at least 2 times per week. Write and edit at least three guest blog posts and have them posted. Start and keep a running list of blog post ideas, drafts, and picture ideas.
Continue my craft learning. Read Rock Your Plot and other fiction-writing how-tos. Read more about ethical marketing and promotion. Keep notes on ideas to use this fall.
Play with writing and creating. Work on outlining my novel for NaNoWriMo 2014. Write something new and unexpected. Make some new pages in my art journal.
Expand my spiritual awareness and the integration of all aspects of my life. Do the assigned exercises in Evolutionary Witchcraft (a book I’m working through with my Full Moon circle). Pay more attention to my dreams and intuitions.
Enjoy my life and go with the flow. Do things I love: write in my journal, do yoga, drum, dance, and express my gratitude. Eat well and exercise. Get outdoors on a regular basis.
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