Greetings fellow writers! I’m excited to be starting a new round, which is actually my fourth one (as I started in the second round last year). Some of my goals will seem familiar, as will the format, which I’ve kept from previous rounds. Others are newer. Here they are, and I’m getting started on them today.
In collaboration with BlackLion, edit, revise and polish our NaNoWriMo novel, The Door Is the Key. Have it ready for the next step, which is yet to be determined (submission, beta readers, or self-publishing).
Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least 3 times per week, and on this blog at least 2 times per week.
Write and edit at least three guest blog posts and have them posted. This includes Moon Books and Kind Over Matter, both due in February.
Choose my next book project and outline it.
Learning and Sharing
Continue learning about ethical marketing and promotion. Read at least 3 books on this subject.
In collaboration with BlackLion, update our Feline Dreamers website and create a marketing plan for 2014.
Promote and sell more copies of both of my existing books. Use new techniques I’m learning as well as ones I already know about. This includes posting excerpts of my books, trading book reviews with other authors, and asking readers for Amazon reviews.
Explore creating a hard-copy version of Cultivating Self-Love. Look into CreateSpace and other options.
Practicing Wellness
Enjoy my life and go with the flow.
Continue with my five main spiritual and creative practices: journal writing, yoga, drumming, dancing, and gratitude.
Eat well. This means eating healthy vegan foods, avoiding sugar and junk foods, and drinking plenty of water.
De-clutter my desk and filing cabinets. Make the space more user-friendly so I’m more likely to use it.
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