This week was good. My life feels like a buffet of creative offerings, and this week I ate a very balanced diet. No, of course I didn’t get everything on my eternal to-do list done, but right now I’m feeling productive, creative, and accomplished.
I’ve relaxed into the flow of each day, and not fretted when I can’t get to something because another thing calls for my attention. I’m learning to follow this flow and not get too stressed out about whatever doesn’t go as planned. I’m not perfect at it, nor do I expect to be. But lately when I’m feeling upset or “off,” I can re-center pretty quickly. Doing my wellness practices regularly really helps.
So, what am I feeling so accomplished about, exactly? Well, I wrote nearly 7,000 words on a new e-book. This one will be a free giveaway to folks who sign up for our Feline Dreamers newsletter, so essentially it’s part of our website re-launch. We’re almost done with the website, and it’s looking really grand! Simple, streamlined, friendly and colorful. I’ve been keeping up pretty well with blogging, and starting to gather ideas for a big guest post I’ll be doing for next month.
All of the research I’ve been doing on ethical marketing points to reviews as being key for getting your books out to more readers. I started the process of asking my peeps who’ve read one or both of my books to do reviews and post them on Amazon and/or GoodReads. In order to do this ethically, I’ve learned, you simply ask for “an honest review” – that way you’re not putting pressure on friends or acquaintances to give you a good review. I would rather know what readers really think, anyway. I’m confident enough in my work that I feel I’ll garner plenty of positive feedback. If I didn’t think the writing was good, I wouldn’t put it out there to begin with! (Spontaneous pep talk to myself, I guess. Heh heh.)
My daily practices have been going well, which I’m sure is what’s supporting my ability to balance everything. I’ve gotten back to yoga after a hiatus, and I’ve been dancing more often, too. It feels wonderful. I even got out and had some social time this week, after being a bit of a hermit for a while. I enjoyed myself, and today I’m ready to cozy up in my tower and do some more creating.
So, overall, a positive week, and I’m looking forward to another one. I hope your week goes well too!
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