So I sat down to write an update, only to realize that I haven’t really done anything worthy of reporting, since Sunday. I mean, yeah, I wrote in my journal. I finished reading 3 books and filed a huge pile of paperwork, which could be considered prep for the more intense days of NaNoWriMo. But, truly, that was about it.
I’m pretty psyched, though. I can see the very busy and all-consuming days of October melting away and morphing into the different type of busy-ness of November. I have an image of myself at my laptop in the morning, enjoying a cup of tea in my yoga clothes, ready to rock the day’s word count. Yeah, that’s me in my fuzzy slippers, with my favorite Virgo mug, listening to some Desert Dwellers on Pandora and tip-tapping away at the keyboard.
Since this wasn’t much of an update, really, I’ll leave you with a writing-related quote:
“How vain it is to sit down to write if you have not stood up to live.” – Henry David Thoreau
Have a great week, and for those of you doing NaNo, best of luck with the first days!!!
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