This week I’ve been feeling like I should join a chapter of “women who do too much.” So I changed the title to suit this update: I’m a “writer who does too much.” August is normally (along with December) one of my busiest months of the year, so that’s not so surprising. Yet I’m also, at least over the past few days, feeling sort of…blah. My list is a couple feet long, but I’m having some trouble mustering up any energy to tackle it. Meh.
Rather than get bummed out, though, I’m going to return to the original goals I set this Round, and see what the big picture looks like. I’ve learned, for the most part, not to attach my self-worth to my productivity. That’s just a recipe for unhappiness. So despite what I’ve done or haven’t done, here I am, on a summer afternoon, and if I need to rest, well then so be it! I’m sure I’ll soon be feeling better. I hope you’re enjoying where you are in your own creative process. Blessings!
Writing and Editing
Write 5,000 words per week on the Daily Spiritual Practice e-book. This is a project that I’d started a couple of years ago and set aside. I already have a working outline. I’m enjoying my regular writing sessions and want to keep the flow going, so I’m picking this WIP up again. No new progress. I started the Round off strong but haven’t had time to focus on this, with so many other priorities calling me. I’m shelving this goal until next month.
Finish all edits, appendices, and revisions of the Cultivating Self-Love e-book and give it to BlackLion for formatting. Done! I do have a few odds and ends to do, like writing a blurb about the book and updating my Smashwords profile, but those should be easily accomplished this week.
Create a wonderful cover for Cultivating Self-Love. Done. I’m VERY pleased with the cover.
Post to my Starcat’s Corner blog at least 3 times per week, and on this blog at least 2 times per week. Doing pretty well on this goal.
Write and edit at least 3 guest blog posts and have them posted. I have a new guest post coming out on Kind Over Matter tomorrow. I’m thrilled to be posting once again on one of my favorite websites ever!
Practice inviting people to purchase our Feline Dreamers wares and my books. Do it with joy and from a place of feeling positive and confident. As part of this process, learn more about effective, ethical promotion techniques. I’m still learning and growing in this area. I’m feeling hopeful about it rather than dreading it, so that’s a good sign.
Set up and offer a successful local book signing and reading for Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living. It is all set up, and our promotional materials should be showing up in the next day or two. I’m very excited!
Learn to use Amazon’s indie author resources to promote and sell my Cultivating Self Love e-book. I need to look at this soon. My energy has been going into getting the e-book ready, but I’m sure I’ll get there.
Raise all the money we need for our Rethinking Everything adventure, and have a fun and successful journey there and back! (Curious? Check out this link to our fundraising page and this link to the conference website). We are going on the trip! We now have our airline tickets, and our hotel costs are covered via bartering our services at the event. So we just need to raise enough to cover the remaining expenses. I’m confident we can do that.
Wellness and Practice
Continue doing my two main daily practices: morning pages and affirmations in my journal (4 pages each day) and daily dancing (at least 20 minutes each day). I’ve gotten busy, and been sort of lax with my usual practices, particularly the dancing.
Practice drumming at least 3 times per week, plus the weekly troupe practice. I’ve been managing 2-3 times per week, so that’s good.
Add more yoga to my life. Haven’t gotten to this.
Spend more time outdoors. Walk, hike, meditate, and swim. Relax and enjoy the lovely summer weather! Not as much of this lately, either. Note to self: I would like to add more exercise and nature to my days.
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