I didn’t post Sunday as I was gone all weekend, and by the time I would have gotten to it on Monday, well, I figured I might as well wait until Wednesday. So here I am!
My weekend involved attending and drumming at a women’s retreat on Saturday, followed by a Dark Follies gig that night (for those not aware, I am a percussionist with the band for a modern Vaudeville troupe – click here to learn more about the troupe). The next day started with Dark Follies rehearsal (including auditioning a new band member), then going with BlackLion to the Dark Follies business lunch (burritos, yum!). In the afternoon I had two meetings: Southern Maine Pagan Pride Day and the Maine Pagan Clergy Association. Then we had time for a walk and a bit of a rest (but not time to drive home and back) before the second Dark Follies gig. Phew!
Monday, besides being the day we put together our weekly e-newsletter, was for resting and recovering. So you will understand, dear reader, if I haven’t accomplished much since my last check-in! I’m still feeling good about my progress, though, because I know that these things go in cycles.
Late last week I wrote an additional 1397 words on the Cultivating Self-Love e-book, for a weekly total of 3835. Not bad!
I finished reading and then wrote a review for Zen Druidry by Joanna van der Hoeven. She is an author with the same publisher as me, and we’re trading book reviews. Great book!
We promoted our upcoming workshop and a conference-related special offer for Feline Dreamers. We also worked on getting 3 interested folks signed up for our new affiliate program.
We made the big decision to attend the Rethinking Everything conference in Texas at the end of August! It will cost us about $2000, but we’re already thinking of how to make it work, including some fundraising and a yard sale/bake sale. I’m so excited about going!
Wellness and Practice
I’ve still been doing well with my daily writing and dancing practices.
Did a lot of drumming! All 3 gigs went very well. I got asked back to the next women’s retreat!
Took a walk today, in the lovely spring sunshine.
That’s all for the moment! Blessings on you and your projects.
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