Inspired and Exhausted

Welcome to my first Sunday check-in for ROW80! We just returned  yesterday from the Life Rocks! Radical Unschooling conference in New Hampshire. It was AMAZING! What an uplifting week full of connections with creative and positive folks of all ages. Here’s just a sampling of some of the things we participated in: discussions about how to encourage freedom in ourselves and our families, the anatomy of a midlife crisis, past lives, socially-conscious entrepreneurship, and permaculture; drum circles; meditation and yoga; building faeries houses; hanging out in the hot tub; my daughter doing her awesome hula-hoop and poi spinning for the Talent Show; making vision boards; and being hypnotized. Yes, really.

I return to my regularly-scheduled life feeling very inspired and also somewhat exhausted.

As to our goals for the week, we rocked! We added 27 new subscribers to our newsletter list (our goal was 10). We had meaningful connections with many folks, some we had met before and others who are new to us.  We sold 10 copies of my book (the goal was 5) and 3 copies of our CD (the goal was 4, but we also traded 2 more for music CDs by folks at the conference, so our total is really 5). We haven’t sold any Core Belief Kits to conference-goers yet, but our special offer goes until the end of the month, and we’ll be reminding folks about it soon.

Most importantly, I have achieved my goal to “significantly uplift my energy vibrations surrounding prosperity, and in particular, about making money from my creative callings.” We did great at the Renegade Bazaar, and are feeling connected with our wider community in ways that go beyond prosperity into wider levels of sharing.

OK, I’m rambling, so it’s time to rest. Suffice it to say that I consider the week a complete success!


Filed under ROW 80

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