Getting Back To It

After the conference, my daughter and I ended up with a cold – which I guess was true for a lot of the folks who attended. So rather than jumping right back into a bunch of writing and creating, I’ve been napping, catching up on some reading, and generally taking it easy. *cough cough* I didn’t post a ROW 80 update yesterday, as there was nothing to report.

Today, though, I felt well enough to get back to work on the e-book, working title Cultivating Self-Love. I fleshed out the introduction, then read through what I’d written so far for the first chapter.  Lo and behold, I like it! Re-reading it helped me get inspired again, so I wrote another section for that chapter as well, for a total of about 1200 words today. Woo hoo!

Next up, catching up on some blog posts and listening to the episode of the online course, Shift Your Biz, that I missed while I was away. I’m not back to full health yet, but it’s good to be able to get back to my creative work/play.


Filed under Musings, ROW 80

3 Responses to Getting Back To It

  1. Pingback: Reading, Trying, Watching – LOTS!: ROW80 Update, 4/14/13 | shanjeniah

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